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Kate Middleton Makes Vanity Fair Best Dressed List Is The International

It was big enough for one year the Duchess of Cambridge. Kate Middleton was in the front center for the public throughout the year to a small extent obsessive. Royal wedding fever has swept the country, and since then we seem pretty obsessed with my wardrobe Kate expensive. It maintained a style enough to him, and he has not gone unnoticed, as it now royal heir was able to hang one on the list of Vanity Fair International Best Dressed. She was first honored with this prestigious list in 2008, and its latest successes of fashion gave a different location. Kate can use seek repeated or recycled, but she knows how to make a glamorous entrance, when she really wants.

Other highlights of the list contains a number of political figures like Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Represent the ranks of Hollywood is Justin Timberlake, Colin Firth, and also a musician, Lady Gaga (apparently the meat is the new Couture). For the full VanityFair.com to visit and see if you agree with all the choices. Who would you like to see here?

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